Thursday, August 13, 2009

Yes You Can

Conference highlights...

LET's talk about singing a song of testimony...WOW... Thank you Lord for sending Andrea our way... I love it when we use our gifts for the Lord with all that we have in us... Bless her Lord.

Mr. Bremberg.....Look over there..they want you to call out their ticket number...just sayin' If you don't call her number, Your on your own ....

Praise and Worship Leader, Sonya Lovin, Lovin that tamborine...SHE was awesome, It was like she was leading Praise and Worship in Heaven.... C'mon..Yes she was!

Marla, Sonya & Mark's daughter...Wow, the vocals! This family is oozeing with talent... Thank you so much Lovin family for your "everything" in this conference... (Marla.."Oh here we Go" "Yeah...Jealous" Thanks for that..I needed to laugh. Much love little one)

Do you see me Sweating? It wasn't pretty...Do you know how long it took me to do my hair?
30 seconds after this shot, I put it in a pony tail... Oh Yes I did....

I am very Thankful to my Lord and Savior, He is my only way, my only truth, and my life! How awesome it is to be a friend of his.

See my Mom... Then my B.F.F. Leenda and Miss. Julie...Love ya-Mean It!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Hey...Look at the Beautiful ladies at the conference...

Oakley Photography...BIG HIT!!!! Wow, what talent!

Mr. Larry, Our "When in Doubt, Larry It Out"
OH!!!! How I wished this picture turned out better... But had to let "Yal" know, We compared these 3 BEAUTIFUL Young girls to Lisa, Elaine and myself... WE can't wait to see what they do together in the Lord!!! Just Sayin'

"Mom to be" again... Courtney, Her Mom and Super Star Hanna.

Arbonne with Chrys, She is great. She goes above and beyond to make women feel the best they can. We are so glad she was able to be apart of the conference.
OH, The WINNERS!!!!!!!! Marlene Schaffer, Summerville and Debra Chinn, Cottageville
Everyone that was nominated, IS A Winner.. How I wished we could of given every lady a prize... Lisa, far right was one of the speakers for the weekend, to her right, her daughter Elaine, who shared a drama with us. Thank you Ladies for your time and talents.

Let me introduce to you, Thelma, Lisa's wonderful Momma! She is super great, not just because she laughs at all my jokes.
Next to me is Kimberly, one of my closest of friends. I met her when I became her Youth Director, 21 years later, She is still, a great Blessing to me.
Mrs. Pruitt next to Kimberly ;0)
"I didn't see you with that camera!!!" Bonneau Baptist Altar Worker!!! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH Bonneau Baptist. I wish I had a picture of all of you together, Tricia, Shannon, Wendy, Jeanie, Julie and Becky, You ladies were such a HUGE BLESSING TO US! Thank you for giving of yourself to work for God. ;)

Is that? Could it be? YES it is..Melanie Bremberg...and Rebekah.. Love them both...
Mrs. Bremberg speaking on Saturday Morning, during her workshop! It was amazing how things flowed, God is so awesome...

Smile... We love young people, Ethan, with the Market Assembly Praise and Worship...I love to watch him play. His best friend, Chloe. :o)

Tricia Player, Altar Leader, Bonneau Baptist...also, Lisa's sister and she has adopted me as a sister, so yeah!
Hey, I heard a guy was doing a workshop tomorrow..have you seen him? Of coarse, Mr. Bret Bremberg...GREAT JOB... I think he looked at his wife's notes..hahahhahaa Just kidding.
Great Team, Melanie and Bret. I cannot express How much they mean to us, all of the prayers they have prayed for our team, Helping us and guiding us to so many different things that we needed to do and introduced us to BRYANT SIGNS!!!! I love Kathleen, IF YOU EVER need anything, signs and decals, and t-shirts ect..Bryant Signs. Melanie, I just went on a Rabbit Trail-Sorry.... I know God will continue to use "Yal" in to further his work.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

2009 Yes You Can Recepient is, Debra Chinn of Cottageville, SC

Debra Chinn from Cottageville, South Carolina