Thursday, January 15, 2009

In my pursuit

I was asked recently a question from, "Curious George" that had to do with a third party, the question was, "What fruit does this person bear." Curious George asked in a way of a statement, as to imply or insinuate they knew the answer.
I had two thoughts;
1) A person who attempts to lure you into a debate-surely can't have anything of merit to say.
2) I wanted to defend the innocent third party, who didn't know that this question, rather statement was made.
I compromised with;
A) I answered and shared a resent number of events I was privileged to observe, where fruitfulness was evident with this person. (It took all of 20 seconds)
B) I ended the topic, because I believe we are not in control of what people think or choose to believe.
Interesting enough, days following I have been privileged to witness a series of events involving , Guess who Curious George..
Wow, interesting demeanor. How intriguing it is to me that some seem to have the knack to critic others in their walk, don't seem to possess the talent to judge themselves.
Mathew Henry Commentary says, we must not sit in the judgment-seat, to make our word a law to every body. We must not judge our brother, that is, we must not speak evil of him.
Those that are unnecessarily extreme in pointing out flaws in others or unyielding in putting the spot light on the faults of others, simply amaze me. Reason being they seem to be so tolerant and indulgent of their own. Is that the definition of hypocrisy? Yes, I think it is.
My co-labourers in Christ, Can we start this new year off by believing the good before we assume the bad? Can we take as much time in prayer asking God to enlighten, educate, disclose, and acquaint us with ourselves as we do looking at others? To my sweet co-labourers who spend so much time in attempting to perfect yourself due to the judgement or critiquing of others, could you pray for God to allow you too see "YOU" through his, your creator's eyes. You are a masterpiece!!
In the pursuit of Christ, we all are beautiful. I love you much my fellow pursuers, I pray for God's strength and blessing on your road to home.