Sunday, September 21, 2008

While looking for a Grandfather, stumbled upon an Uncle!

Life sure has a way of catching up with you. Interesting enough. In the Bible it refers to what is done in darkness will be brought to light. I had an interesting conversation tonight with someone about that very scripture. My thought on the the things we want to keep secret and we don't want anyone to know, maybe the thing the devil would try to use against you to keep you in bondage or a pit. When "Things" are brought to light, I believe it is for freedom and deliverance. Did you ever try to keep something buried and had though after thought about the "What If" and when it did surface, it wasn't like anything you thought it would be? It is almost like a weight lifted. I believe that the Enemy exposes at our cost and the Lord reveals at his cost. It is because of what he has done for us, he paid our cost so we could be free. So maybe when something is revealed, we own it, repent if need be and release it. Take a deep breath and let it out...let it go. There is now therefore no condemnation to them that are in Christ...Romans 8:1a
I thank you Lord this day for some revelation in our family, I thank you Lord that this has been revealed for healing and I am amazed once again God how truly awesome you are. Ask and you shall receive, Thank you for the gift.
"If it comes to light-It'll be Alright"

Gearing up

Oh WOW, It has been a crazy couple of days. Please pray for me, I am being challenged left and right. Not always a bad thing. God is so good. He takes real good care of me. The Franklin Graham Festival has been this weekend, I am planning on going tomorrow with Lisa and Brandi. Kirk Franklin and Casting Crowns will be there. I love them both, seriously, they are my two top groups ever... Hope to see you there... Much love in Him...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Its Sunday night and I am upstairs cleaning my inventory. I am looking into a new business venture. It is really amazing...God is so good. I had prayed a couple of months ago for God to help me in my business, Help me reduce the line and make it simple and low and behold the same week I was working with one of my manufacturers on copyright and not keeping inventory, WOW!! God Rocks!! Then, I had another little bird whisper in my ear about another way to benefit the business and others. This person did not know, I had also prayed for help because I wanted to go into Ministry again, and I technically am, but no formal announcement..Oops unless that was So like I said I am upstairs clearing some things out making- some room- and it has been a little hard for me. To have something God has given you and you personalize it to the max, to decide to share it is great, but having to change my ideas to fit others is hard just for a moment. Having ideals of what you would call a certain line is hard to let go, I wanted to have a line and call it the Emma Collection and I wanted to have a Blake Collection and of coarse a Lauren collection. I don't particularly see that happening right now, but I do see greater things... I just need to get past my mommy moment, its hard though, my girls have worked this business with me. Oh yes they have, every time the UPS man would come they would sit down with me and help me invoice the merchandise. I have got some great Kids!!!!! Thank YOU God for them everyday!!!! A Praise offering, Sir William was given a surprise yesterday...A Raise, the max he could receive...WOW...again... Thank God for Publixs. Did you know Publixs was a Christian based company? Now you do.
Pray for me and please pray for the Ladies Conference that is coming up in 2 weeks... I would greatly appreciate it..God Bless..and Good Night..D

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Busy day,
I was up very early with my youngest daughter, she wasn't feeling well, then along came Blake and she proved she wasn't feeling well. It is the hardest thing to deal with when your children are not feeling well. My BFF came over this morning, we shared some things that we were thinking....Then Elaine came over, she is so much her!!! The Kimberly came over, I appreciated her today, she helped me with the girls so I could clean the house of all its germs. We were able to visit, it has been a long time since we have been able to do anything together. I need to plan a girls night out..dinner and catch up. I will have to find a picture of Kimberly and upload her so I can introduce her to you guys too.
Please remember all those in Texas... and all areas effected by Ike. So much to be praying for. Billy and I are planning a new business venture.... God is so amazing, I surely don't want to disappoint him.
Question for you...If you could have a day with one person in history, past or present who would it be and why? I'll share mine tomorrow.
Peace out...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Today is September 12th.
I have had a week with sick babies and now a sick husband, this will make you physically tired. I missed being at church tonight. I am excited to find out that we will have our first service at a different location starting in November...How awesome is that.
Two weeks from now, I will be participating in a conference. I am asking God for each one of us involved in this and each one that comes to this conference to receive that which they need from him. We all as friends to one another try to be there for one another and meet our friends needs, but lets face it, we are so limited in what we can bring to the table. I have had needs that I couldn't verbalize to another person, it was to hard to find the verbiage to do so. I can remember praying about this one thing for years, I'm not referring to one or two years, It's been almost 20 years. I finally received my answer from God this past March. Interesting footnote here, I had to be in a place to hear him, to "GET IT" when he so displayed his answer to me. Does this mean I have to wait years for answers from God? I don't think so, I know he heard every single prayer, I know he knew what a breakthrough this would be for me, but so does the enemy. Crazy as this sounds, I'm sure I am the only one who has ever done this, Sometimes I have been in the way, I have tried to help God handle me..... Ever heard or read "Don't try this at home" Let me give you a label to read... "Don't try to help God" I have realized he didn't need my help. I needed HIS. What a breakthrough for me though, what a healing for me!!!!!! Wow, words can't describe. He is so personable too, He answered me in a way that I have a permanent visual and a permanent sound, date and time when & where, so when the enemy tries to take that from me, I say to myself, Self..remember and I can go back and receive the joy all over again. A never ending present. I don't care for public affection, don't know why, just don't. God answered my prayer in a big display of affection in a crowd of 18k women and here is where God is so personal, he knows me and nobody there knew about it but me & him. My God, my Savior never ever embarrasses you, he is always taking care of you. hmm Just thought I'd share..
Please remember those in Texas and those around, I have a great friend in Texas, Cynthia and we are praying for everyone.
Be good boys and girls.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September the 10th

Hey Everyone in Blogger World.
Please be patient with me as I am learning this Blog World. I feel like I am from Tales from the Crypt. Please pray for me as I endeavor to go forward in Women's Ministries. I appreciate your time.
God Bless, D Brandon