Saturday, September 13, 2008

Today is September 12th.
I have had a week with sick babies and now a sick husband, this will make you physically tired. I missed being at church tonight. I am excited to find out that we will have our first service at a different location starting in November...How awesome is that.
Two weeks from now, I will be participating in a conference. I am asking God for each one of us involved in this and each one that comes to this conference to receive that which they need from him. We all as friends to one another try to be there for one another and meet our friends needs, but lets face it, we are so limited in what we can bring to the table. I have had needs that I couldn't verbalize to another person, it was to hard to find the verbiage to do so. I can remember praying about this one thing for years, I'm not referring to one or two years, It's been almost 20 years. I finally received my answer from God this past March. Interesting footnote here, I had to be in a place to hear him, to "GET IT" when he so displayed his answer to me. Does this mean I have to wait years for answers from God? I don't think so, I know he heard every single prayer, I know he knew what a breakthrough this would be for me, but so does the enemy. Crazy as this sounds, I'm sure I am the only one who has ever done this, Sometimes I have been in the way, I have tried to help God handle me..... Ever heard or read "Don't try this at home" Let me give you a label to read... "Don't try to help God" I have realized he didn't need my help. I needed HIS. What a breakthrough for me though, what a healing for me!!!!!! Wow, words can't describe. He is so personable too, He answered me in a way that I have a permanent visual and a permanent sound, date and time when & where, so when the enemy tries to take that from me, I say to myself, Self..remember and I can go back and receive the joy all over again. A never ending present. I don't care for public affection, don't know why, just don't. God answered my prayer in a big display of affection in a crowd of 18k women and here is where God is so personal, he knows me and nobody there knew about it but me & him. My God, my Savior never ever embarrasses you, he is always taking care of you. hmm Just thought I'd share..
Please remember those in Texas and those around, I have a great friend in Texas, Cynthia and we are praying for everyone.
Be good boys and girls.