Monday, September 15, 2008

Its Sunday night and I am upstairs cleaning my inventory. I am looking into a new business venture. It is really amazing...God is so good. I had prayed a couple of months ago for God to help me in my business, Help me reduce the line and make it simple and low and behold the same week I was working with one of my manufacturers on copyright and not keeping inventory, WOW!! God Rocks!! Then, I had another little bird whisper in my ear about another way to benefit the business and others. This person did not know, I had also prayed for help because I wanted to go into Ministry again, and I technically am, but no formal announcement..Oops unless that was So like I said I am upstairs clearing some things out making- some room- and it has been a little hard for me. To have something God has given you and you personalize it to the max, to decide to share it is great, but having to change my ideas to fit others is hard just for a moment. Having ideals of what you would call a certain line is hard to let go, I wanted to have a line and call it the Emma Collection and I wanted to have a Blake Collection and of coarse a Lauren collection. I don't particularly see that happening right now, but I do see greater things... I just need to get past my mommy moment, its hard though, my girls have worked this business with me. Oh yes they have, every time the UPS man would come they would sit down with me and help me invoice the merchandise. I have got some great Kids!!!!! Thank YOU God for them everyday!!!! A Praise offering, Sir William was given a surprise yesterday...A Raise, the max he could receive...WOW...again... Thank God for Publixs. Did you know Publixs was a Christian based company? Now you do.
Pray for me and please pray for the Ladies Conference that is coming up in 2 weeks... I would greatly appreciate it..God Bless..and Good Night..D